Cybioms offers technology services to support robust operations. This includes Government and Commercial sectors. To excel in the services sector, we fully exploit the power of the information and intelligence technologies. Teaming with leading organizations is leveraged, when needed, to meet customer needs. We work closely with clients to tailor our services to their specific needs.
We offer technology services to: * automate processes, * reduce human error, * improve quality, and * improve efficiencies.
SERVICE SPECIALTIES Our professional staff and partners work with clients' organization to assess, troubleshoot, plan, develop, integrate, or validate their systems and processes. We provide customized affordable services to enable clients to be successful in their mission. IT services are offered across all industry sectors. The specific technology services include:
AEROSPACE SERVICES * Systems Engineering: Life cycle services; * HW & SW Engineering: Life cycle services; * Analysis: Structural Analysis, Thermal analysis; 
DEFENSE SERVICES * Automation: Process automation, System automation * Systems Engineering: Life cycle services; * HW & SW Engineering: Life cycle services;  IT SERVICES * Network: Implement, maintain, and support; * Data security: C&A, vulnerability assessment, Intrusion detection; * SW Applications: Install, maintain, and support;

OUTSOURCING We provide technology outsourcing services at attractive prices to enable customers to focus on their core competencies. This includes, but not limited to:
* IT services; * Systems Engineering; * Engineering lifecycle Services; * Information Research;