Cybioms focuses on a set of technologies that has current and future applications across multiple sectors. Our goal is to consistently drive cost effectiveness and quality through miniaturization, autonomy, and multi-sector synergies. We offer product (device, system) development jointly with our partners, by leveraging our combined resources and competencies, to generate cost effective high quality products.
HARDWARE Many applications have a need to become lighter, compact, and cost efficient. This can be realized by leveraging newer technologies in lasers, optics, opto-electronics, micro-opto-electro-mechanics, digital electronics, and computing. The transition to fiber lasers and fiber interfaced design to create miniature cost effective architectures is our primary focus in lasers. We integrate miniature opto-electronic solid state devices with lasers, digital electronics, and computers to create applications that are (1) very compact, (2) low mass, (3) low power consumption, and (4) low life cycle cost.
LASERS & OPTICS We pursue the integration and development of the following laser technologies for specific aerospace, defense, and medical applications.
* Lasers: Diode lasers, microchip lasers, bulk solid state lasers, and fiber lasers; * Optics: Reflective, refractive, and diffractive optics;

OPTO-ELECTRONICS We include state-of-the-art robust opto-electronic components and modules in our systems and applications. We work collaboratively with special fab houses and innovative companies to develop new architectures for opto-electronic components, as and when needed.
* Detection: Low and high gain solid state detectors from UV to mid IR; * Imaging: Multispectral imaging sensors;

MICRO-OPTO-ELECTRO-MECHANICS The micro-nano technology emergence as a strong engineering discipline has an impact on many applications. The specialties that we are currently interested include:
* Microoptics: Reflective, Refractive, and Diffrative optics * Fiber Optics and Guided Waves: Sensors, switches;
DIGITAL ELECTRONICS The focus of our digital electronics effort is on applications that need high speed detection, signal processing, and timing.
* Signal processing: High speed digital Electronics * Ultrafast Electronics: Signal detection, digitization, picosecond timing;

SOFTWARE Software plays a critical role in almost every applications that we develop. Wherever possible, we resort to a "thin hardware" strategy for heavier software involvement in system manufacturing. This gives us the flexibility to incorporate enhanced versions of software with relative ease even after shipping including remote upgrades. We use specialized and customized software for device or system control, data computing, and decision engineering. The deployed software specialties include the following:
COMPUTING & CONTROL In the computing and control area, we are focused on a selected set that has significant impact on many applications. The integration of hardware devices for system application, specialized algorithms development, human interface design, and sophisticated data analysis are the primary areas of our activity and interest.
* Automation: Real-time and non-real time software; * Algorithm: Algorithms for data analysis and automation; * Data Analysis: Analytical techniques, statistical techniques; * HCI: Human machine interfaces;

INTELLIGENCE ENGINEERING This specialized area of intelligence engineering is focused on applications where there is a critical need to reduce human error, increase operational efficiencies, and substantially reduce the operational cost through automation. We are interested in areas that need remote or robotic operations with various levels of autonomy. Specific technologies and focus are as shown below.
* Technologies: Fuzzy logic, Neural Nets, Bayesian Network, Probabilistic reasoning; * Analysis: Intelligent image analysis, Intelligent data analysis; * Decision engineering: System automation, Process automation